Liquidation of the finest, late-model pilot plant equipment to hit the market in years! Removed from a major pharmaceutical pilot plant. Equipment just arrived into inventory and is ready to ship worldwide!
Highlights Include:
- GEA Niro High Shear Granulator, Model PharmaConnect
- Glatt GPCG 2 LabSystem Fluid Bed Processor
- GEA Niro Mobile Minor Spray Dryer, S/S
- 150 Liter TK FIelder High Shear Mixer, Model PMA150
- Riva Piccola Bi Layer Tablet Press, Model P1-DC-B11-3C
- OHara LabCoat Coating Pan, model LC1
- Pharmatech IBC Bin Blender, S/S, model BV800A
- MG2 Capsule Filler, Type Futura
- MG2 Capsule Filler, Type Futura
- 65/25 Liter Niro Fielder High Shear Mixer, Model PMAH6525
- 60 Liter Becomix Homogenizer Mixer, Model RW60CD
- Bausch + Stroebel Powder Filling Machine, Model SP100
- GEA Niro Pharma Systems High Shear Processor, Model PMA-1
- Netzsch Media Mill, Model LMZ-2
- Capsugel Xcelodose 600 Capsule Filler
- Fluid Energy Jet Mill, Aljet Model 4