Sale Information:
- Location: Morton Grove, IL
- Bid Online: June 14 – July 20, 2022
- Preview: By Appointment Only
- Sale Conducted In: $USD / 18% Buyers Premium
- Contact: Adam Covitt: – 216.536.0312
- Sale Held In Conjunction With:
Featured Assets:
- Bosch GKF 2500 Capsule Filler
- Glatt GPCG 120 Pro Fluid Bed Dryer
- O’Hara Labcoat IV Coater
- Vector 30 Fluid Bed Dryer
- Sejong SM-200 High Shear Granulator Mixer
- NJM Cremer Tablet/Capsule Bottling Line – Never Used!
- Vector 65/25 Interchangeable High Shear Granulator
- Glatt GPCG 2 Fluid Bed Dryer
- O’Hara Labcoat M Pilot Coater
- GlobePharma Table Top V Blender
- IMA TR 200 Blister machine with cartoner – Never Used!
- Quadro U5 Comil
- Fitzpatrick DASO6 Fitzmill
- Hartnett Tablet Printer
- Atlas Copco ZT-75VSD-FF Oil Free Air Compressor
- Quadrel Labeler – Never Used!
- Meto Lifts
- Elizabeth Hata Pilot Tablet Press
- And More!